The Grand Opening…

Trembling little puppet, grand opening of the beginnings of new tides to come, creating fear within this place you stand, wondering what tomorrow brings, when will the suffering end? These were the thoughts that once clouded your mind.
A light started shining through your window, peaking behind the curtain of life.
Tragic some of the old ways that used to carry here on the soil, soaking into the ground beneath, deeper and deeper, seeping into the core of mother earth, and our souls.
We grow from here, take the damage,I can’t stand it, the thought of how all of this is supposed to be our destiny? Written for us, in their rule book of games, puppets no more. Erase it all every play, because today’s a new day, for sure you are here, peeling away at the layers made to shield your true aspire, rip it off like a band-aid, open your throat chakra, and your heart one too. Say it so loud that they have to hear you, no matter what you do. Don’t you dare stand still. Open your eyes to all that have blinded you, binding you to a contract of forever debt, forever stress and nobody can rest. Heavy tensions in the air piling on top of our own inside shamble… I say tear it up, burn it in a blazing flame and then reach even higher… And never forget. We’re all in this together.
A new destination we are headed for, don’t let them isolate the pack because together we are stronger, and alone we are vulnerable.
Trust in the universe, trust in your inner compass. Stay grateful, looking for your true fate.

Copyrighted by J.C. Blu Production. All rights reserved.

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