Soften up…

Life is beautifully full of wonder, nooks and crannies, of enjoyment, the minute you stop believing then you have let the dark drown you, watering down all the precious parts the ones glowing in the moonlight, don’t let the magic be snatched by the happiness, snatching thieves of the night. You are partially star dust, just like the comets in the skies. The colors of the wind in your soul, all dancing with the sound of the music, so look up at the clouds and see the funny shapes your soul has revealed.Imagination is magic just coming to life.
It lies within us all, hidden behind the pain, damage that was caused by the harsh blows of the past. A complex, entanglement of hope, most would call me naive, for still believing in such nonsense, tell me to toughen up but really i say soften up.. why isn’t that i thing? Soften up and let the stardust run through your inter-dimensional veins.
Fairy tales, goblins and endless wishes that never are unheard, only you have forgotten.
The smell of fresh rain in the air washing away all our dirty waste, the waste seeping from our pores every time we feel angry or overwhelmed.. No more tough walls to break through, no more agendas, just joy. Just living and breathing, camp in the backyard, lay in the grass watching the clouds, start a snowball fight, march for the rights of whatever you believe in, have deep conversations, swing on a swing so high you might just fall out, make out with your love, as your look into their eyes, play board games with your family, go on a walk with your dog, play hide and seek with your husband, read a book, go on a road trip without a map or a destination…for goodness sake LIVE! Restarting everyday like new, magic is real, its real, life is fun, it is not meant to be so serious. For life is wondrous, it is the sparkle in a child’s eye when they see you again, the beauty of the sunrise sending splashes of color on the horizon, just to remind us of a new day, another set of 24 hours made for you to play in, a playground created to frolic in. Do you feel it in the atmosphere already?
Let there be more soften up moments for us all, lighten up is so 21st century. Soften up…


Copyright J.C. Blu Productions
All rights reserved.

One thought on “Soften up…

  1. Well said sweety! We have to live each day with gratitude for the simplest thongs to really know how to be grateful for those Big Blessings that come along!💙🙌🏽🐺


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